Sunday, July 29, 2007

1-18-08 Teaser Poster

Got my hands on a pic of the teaser poster, thanks to This Blog, it's a better source 1-18-08 stuff.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Card & Casino GBA Games for $10

Stopped in at the Wal-Mart Super Center in Eagle Pass and picked up World Poker Tour from 2K Sports for just $5. They've also got a couple others, like Texas Hold'em Poker and Golden Nugget Casino. Everyone's handheld collection need a poker/casino game. Plus, they'd make for great stocking stuffers.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

120 Second Moviegoing Rant - Cell phones

People please, turn off you goddamn cell phone in the theater. You paid to watch the movie, so sit down, shut up, and watch the damn movie. Who do you think you are? How effin' important do you think you are that you have to be able to be reached at any moment. If you're expecting a call, either don't see the movie or quietly answer phone, with the the ringer off, and take it outside damn it. If I see one more person on their phone during the movie, I will shove it so far up their ass that they'll need a proctologist to dial for them.

Friday, July 27, 2007

60 Movie Review - The Simpsons Movie

Go see this movie now, I mean it! I've waited nearly twenty (20) years to see this movie, and it was worth it. It plays like one long episode of the series, but there's nothing wrong with that. Plus, it has all of our favorite characters, including my fave, Crazy Cat Tossing Lady.

I give it *****.

This is my first 5 Star review, but hopefully not my last.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

First Post on the Subject

I have given in to the "Cloverfield" mania and now have the HD trailer here on my blog.

This movie is going to kick so effin much ass!

I'll leave the conspiracy theories to others, these posts are just for real news from the studio, and my anticipation.

The Only "official web site is,

Check out the picture of the two girls time stamped 12:36, it's either twins or a photoshop of the same girl. Cool huh?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Station Stories - Deluge

Glub glub glub glub glub glub glub.*
Glub glubglub glub glub glub glub glub glubglubglub glub glub glub glubglub glub glub.**
Glub glubglub glub glub glub glub glubglubglub glub glub.***

* I hate when it rains this much.
** I'm dreading the walk back to the transmitter shack if the power goes out.
*** The station really should have some emergency rain gear.

Friday, July 20, 2007

60 Second Movie Review - Hairspray

Saw Hairspray, so awesome! Great music, great choreography, and great acting. I've been waiting to see Christopher Walken dance again since 2001's weapon of choice, and who wouldn't want to see John Travolta as a singing, dancing, plus sized woman?. Plus this new girl Nikki Blonsky is going places. All in all a great movie, a great musical, and most of all a great time.

I give it ****1/2.

120 Second Moviegoing Rant - Hairspray

Saw Hairspray today, 'rents if your kiddies loved High School Musical, keep them the hell away from the theater. I was lucky enough to have the bare minimum of little kids at the screening I went to, it was mostly older movie goers like myself and teenagers, but there was the obligatory couple who refused to shell out for a sitter and dragged their kids, who didn't want to go, along. If they aren't going to sit still and watch the movie, then leave the twerps at home.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

60 Second Movie Review - Harry Potter: And The Order of the Phoenix

A solid film, dragged in parts and omitted
scenes/details like Fred & Georges changes to one of
the hallways and the entire St. Mungos scene, but I'm
really just nit picking. Overall, a very good movie. I give
it ****.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Station Went Quiet Today

Engineers came today. Bout damn time, they had to
dismantle the AM transmiter so I was off the air for a
while. Everythings cool now, check in with you all
again tomorrow.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

There's No Way the Power Could Go Ou...

It happened about an hour ago, and let me tell you, it was scary as hell. There are only a few windows and even went the shades are open they let in very little light, but today I just had to close the damn things. When the lights went out I couldn't see a thing, but then I used my cell's screen to light my way to the MAG-LITE they keep here. I hung out for a few minutes and waited for the power to come back on. When it did, I rebooted all the computers, got the play lists back on schedule, and went out back to the transmitter shack so I could check it. It was kind of a feather ruffling day but every thing's copacetic again.

In other news, the universe is against me. The last 10 point code I needed to have 777 points was illegible. Then again, I did get my free 20oz Coke coupon in the mail today, so I guess I'll let it slide.

Noon to Six 4 Day Marathon

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday...

Filling in for one of the other DJs while he fills in for our news director, but who's gonna fill in for me? My couch isn't going to sit on itself, and my TV isn't going to watch itself. Whatever, all these extra hours mean a fat check come the 20th.

Friday, July 6, 2007

'Nother Long Day...

Working the Noon to Six, then I've got a two hour remote @ 7:30.

On the brite side, tomorrow, 7/7/07, I'll have 777 mycokerewards points.

Cool huh?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Getting A Pizza

Getting A Pizza

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Be my friend.

Digitally insert yourself into this pic and be my friend.

Better Days @ Work are Ahead

The computer is working again, good thing too. I almost had to spend my 4th of July manually running local commercials for twelve (12) hours.

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Hope you all have a happy and safe 4th.

Drinking, driving, and fireworks. They're fine on their own, but let's keep them that way. Don't mix them.

If you are going to use fireworks, have friggin' common sense, be careful with them, don't fire them at people or animals, and have a fire extinguisher/hose/bucket of water on hand just in case.

Once again, happy 4th of July, and God bless America.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

60 Movie Review - Transformers

This movie is as awesome as all hell! I advise you see
it four or five times. Shia LaBeouf was great as
usual, I look forward to seeing him in more movies. I
give it ***** .